Saturday, February 1, 2020


Cholesterol is one of the most important molecules for our body. There are two types of cholesterol one type is good(HDL) and one is bad cholesterol (LDL). Cholesterol is produced by naturally in human beings body and it requires to perform many important functions in the human body like- It requires to produce hormones, Vitamin D, healthy bones and control your heart rate.

I have told you that you have to just share the best cholesterol rid methods and you have to be the patient to the result and everything will come to you for sure and this will not take time and i am telling u this from real life experience and this is crazy for me and thanks for everything

Cholesterol is very dangerous and everyone should get rid of it and to get rid of it i have shared the best methods with you that you can use right now and it will help you to get those results.

I am here to help you with the best things and things will help you for sure.

Cholesterol is a very dead image and no one can beat it and it should be completely clear and cut and you have to be patient as well.

There are many types of cholesterol but you have to focus on only one thing

So make sure to do the things which are keep you motivated and keep you focused everyday and you should stay calm as well because it is a normal disease 
Cholesterol: how to prevent high cholesterol


There is no shortcut and pill that will instantly reduce your high cholesterol levels there are some certain tips to follow to help you lower your cholesterol levels.

1  Exercise daily

    One of my favorite way to stay healthy and fit is to exercise daily if you are a businessman or job person. This step is might difficult for you but for the health concern you have to manage your time as well
30 minutes of cardio will open your blood vessels fast and reduce bad cholesterol LDL in your body.

2. Healthy Diet

    There is no alternative for a healthy diet because if you are eating lost of oily based and heavy foods that will surely affect your cholesterol levels of the body.

3. Foods to Avoid

Avoid some dairy products reduce their use in your daily routine because they also play a major role in high cholesterol. And reduce meat and chicken in your diet because they contain so much cholesterol on their own.

4. Take Medication

     This step is to be taken when someone had a major problem with this issue and he got pain in his heart and feeling fatigue sometimes so take medication with a well-qualified doctor.



    This factor is applicable to both men and women if you have higher levels of cholesterol it may lead you to lower stamina because your oxygen level in the body is very less. Cholesterol blocks all tissues and it may affect your natural hormones like in men testosterone and in women is estrogen. Don't worry it can be cured easily but you have to be focused on more exercise and diet if you are living a healthy lifestyle this problem will be solved very easily and you can achieve a fit body. Just do daily 30 minutes of cardio or 20 push-ups to maintain your cholesterol and hormones levels at a good point.


   This is very common issues in this problem many of the people who have bad cholesterol or high cholesterol they suffered from this stage once in their life. Your heart will not get enough blood to pump and supply in the body the blood circulation will get blocked by bad cholesterol levels and you have difficulty in respiration process. Yes, you have to consult a doctor if you are at max. stage of this issue. But on my side, I recommend you to do YOGA because helps you to supply higher levels of oxygen in the blood and it leads to good blood pumping in the body by the heart.


    When you have LDL bad cholesterol in your body you are not allowed to eat everything that does not suit your body right? Yes because if eat all bad stuff your body will immediately respond and your cholesterol levels will be raised again rapidly. This research is proved in 2001 you can google it. Eat those foods those are favorable for your bodies like juices and vegetables and salad and low-fat milk. To ensure your health and you will achieve your healthy lifestyle.


#1. Dizziness
#2. Fatigue
#3. Less of energy
#4. Problem in breathing
    Difficulty in blood flowing


Start a good lifestyle and healthy routine. By this, you can easily achieve a healthy body. Start eating healthy and take separate time for your exercise.

If you liked this article and if this article helps you ...follow us now thank you because now you know all about CHOLESTEROL. .thank you

So i have shared the best method of reducing cholesterol and you have to be the completely patients and you have to be focused as well.

Cholesterol is not bad and but good cholesterol is only good.

Bad cholesterol is bad and good cholesterol is good so make sure to focus on only good cholesterol and you will feel more amazing and calm and clear 

Here i have shared the best way to keep things going and focusing

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