Friday, April 24, 2020

Golden Rules for - How to Sleep better at night | Bicepsking Night Meditation Routine

  The way you sleep that matters a lot into your life style. For a healthy life you should always sleep better and take rest for your body. There is only main three things that helps you to get fit body that is diet, exercise and rest. So, for proper rest here is some golden rules with step-by-step manual to maximize the quality of your resting meditation that helps you to achieve your goals.

- life's number one goal is to give it your best shot in everything that you do. Your soul might want to conquer the world but what do you do if your body can't listen to it?  A good night's rest is the power of you body. 

- The ultimate sleep hygiene manual begin with golden phase two to three hours before you fall asleep. Two golden rules of this crucial phase. 
       - Rule one : finish your exercise.
       - Rule two : finish your diner before this golden phase begins.

- Exercise pulls your inhaled oxygen towards your lungs and your muscles. Food pulls your inhaled oxygen towards your digestive system. The outcome is longer and deeper breaths to satisfy your muscles and the systems involved. Quality sleep is all about brain oxygenation not body oxygenation and brain oxygenation happens when your breaths are shorter. 

- let's move on to rule number three - Body Temperature. You fall asleep when your body's temperature is a degree or two lower than normal. When your body is colder than it usually is. If you heat up your body near bedtime it's going to affect your sleep badly that's why you should avoid exercise and avoid hot Showers. The way to go with showers is keeping  them lukewarm just slightly hotter than room temperature. It will feel you clean as well as sleepy. 

- Rule number four - Lights. An hour before you want to sleep, put your phone away. I'm sure you've heard this a million times but trust me there's nothing that can ruin your sleep as much as forms or other bright screens. Your body feels sleepy or awake based on the amount of light  entering it through your eyes. So, quick tips. All your bright lights off, set your alarms and keep your phone away. 

- Very important rule number five - Golden phase activities. The way your brain is built, the final activity of your day has a profound impact on your thought process. This is the part of the day where you can directly affect your subconscious mind. The part of your piece in mind responsible for your career growth and your life growth. You can make this part of your day useful with - Reading. No phone screens, no Play-stations, no TV shows but books. Read something. It'll help you with your sleep and more importantly if you choose to read something positive or something that benefits your mind in some way even better. If you're not a big reader, that's alright it's 2020, listen to podcasts. You can gain as much from them as you can gain from books and occasionally if you aren't up for self-improvement, just listen to some music. But keep it soft, keep it slow. 

- Finally rule number six, You've tucked into your bed - This is the moment of truth. All these activities lead up to this moment, if you've done everything correct. It shouldn't be that difficult to fall asleep, but if you have someone who struggles with their sleep, perform the special sleep meditation. Put your hands on your solar plexus. Place one hand just below the line of your chest and the other hand just below the first hand. Now focus on your breath, try adding a chant to this process. Any two syllable word that you say in your mind, don't move your tongue, don't worry about the pronunciation, just say the word in your mind the word sleep, the word happy. Just keep repeating it within your mind. Don't focus too much on it. Slowly let it fade into the background of your brain. Try not to think about your tasks for the next day, not to think about your good or bad moments from the previous day. Just think of the comfort that surrounds you the softness of your bed. How relaxed your body is the peace in your room the peace and the darkness. If you feel like it switch up to a comfortable position and then dive deeper into how relaxed your body feels sleep will meet you. If you just stay in  the present moment and no where else. Don't worry about how long you're chanting for, don't focus on anything let the chant manipulate your breath and allow it to lead you into this resting meditation. Good night. 

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