Friday, April 17, 2020

The Power Of Positive Thinking - Technique for Advance Meditation - Bicepsking

> Today I am going to share about the positive thinking in our daily life. How the positive thinking helps to reach our goals with the help of meditation. Positive thinking is that taking action, acting on positive thoughts. There are many past studies that shows how meditation effects on human body. From increasing the gray matter in our brain, to increasing parts of our brain linked with happiness and focus. The only main magical health revolutions is meditation that is going to take over the world.   

> I am going to talk about a meditative technique in order to achieve any dream you have in your life. So there is multiple ways and multiple techniques to improve your meditation but what most people fail to understand is that meditation is one those things where to perform it you don't really have to have a technique. There is no fixed way of doing it and that's why it is so beautiful. All you need to remember is that you just need to start meditating. Sit down in a darken space for 15 to 20 minutes a day and just close your eyes that is the bare minimum you can do for meditation. 

> But there is a question in our mind that how do we optimize your meditation? Most people think that meditation is about having no thoughts in your head and keeping our mind empty. Now that is the end goal of meditation but it is not easy to achieve it. We all have a monkey brain. There is no way you will be able to keep your mind empty. There will be thoughts about your day or worries. Remember meditation before anything is about being self-aware, being aware of what's going on in your brain. Believe the bad things and give fuel to the good things, that's the goal you should go in with and as for what you should physically do. Once again there are multiple techniques but what I am going for is a basic chanting technique. 

Let's go for a basic Meditation Session:

> You begin by ideally sitting in a silent or dark room. A dark room helps you focus better for your meditation. Sit comfortably and ideally. You should sitting on the ground but if that's uncomfortable for you then you can seat on comfortable chair whatever works for you. How working out in a gym is an exercise for your muscles this is mind exercise and you will only be able to work your mind if your body is comfortable. As for your hands there is a lot of different mudras which you can do. Each of which have a different spiritual significance but the safest posture for your hands is the acceptance posture. It is basically you keeping your hands on your laps facing upwards and the positivity from the universe.   

> Meditation is about self-awareness, self-discovery but most importantly it's about communicating with your omnipresent surroundings, your universe. Everything that is around you, your surroundings immediate not so immediate everything is a part of the universe. This concept is when meditation might start feeling a little bit leaky or unconventional the most and this is also where most people fail to entirely benefit from meditation. They put a limit on the power of meditation but remember this thing, "The mind that perceives the limitation is the limitation". If you really want that meditation to work and affect your life you need to be very open minded to it. You are suppose to always believe that this activity is going to change your life. This thinking will help you a lots.

> So coming to what you should actually be thinking of while meditating. It is a three-step process. 

- The first is the base of comfort, I am not talking about only just physical comfort but mental comfort is also connect with yourself driving aware of your breath. If chanting try focusing on the chant. 

- The second step is the most important in every meditation session you need to feel internal gratitude. You need to feel grateful to the universe. If you are someone who believes in god then that is your definition of the universe. Feel grateful towards that god, towards your surroundings, feel grateful for being given all this positivity in your life. Just focus on what's good and what's working out for you.

- Finally coming to the part of your meditation. But you actually make things happen in your real life. How to achieve whatever you want, whatever your wish is, whatever your prayer are, ask for it and don't only ask for this is where you need to visualize. visualization is the power of positive thinking. If you wish to have a nice bungalow then visualize all the things of a home. Feel the visualization of touching the doors, beds, kitchen and whatever you wish to have in your home. Visualize your dream in detail, internally tell yourself that this is going to come true. That is how meditate and that's how you amplify the power of positive thinking. But positive thought won't work unless you work. 
> Meditation will give you focus on dreams, will give you concentration for your work. It will give you the ability to work harder but most important it will make your goal clearer in front of you. The moment you open your eyes and your over this is where the rest of life starts and it's the actions you take in the rest of your life that determines whether or not you'll get to your goal. So the first step in this adventure towards your goals is that you start with meditation. Get into a habit of consistently meditating in twenty minutes a day and through the rest of the day go and choose actions that help you move towards your goal. Go and achieve your dreams 

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