Friday, April 24, 2020

Golden Rules for - How to Sleep better at night | Bicepsking Night Meditation Routine

  The way you sleep that matters a lot into your life style. For a healthy life you should always sleep better and take rest for your body. There is only main three things that helps you to get fit body that is diet, exercise and rest. So, for proper rest here is some golden rules with step-by-step manual to maximize the quality of your resting meditation that helps you to achieve your goals.

- life's number one goal is to give it your best shot in everything that you do. Your soul might want to conquer the world but what do you do if your body can't listen to it?  A good night's rest is the power of you body. 

- The ultimate sleep hygiene manual begin with golden phase two to three hours before you fall asleep. Two golden rules of this crucial phase. 
       - Rule one : finish your exercise.
       - Rule two : finish your diner before this golden phase begins.

- Exercise pulls your inhaled oxygen towards your lungs and your muscles. Food pulls your inhaled oxygen towards your digestive system. The outcome is longer and deeper breaths to satisfy your muscles and the systems involved. Quality sleep is all about brain oxygenation not body oxygenation and brain oxygenation happens when your breaths are shorter. 

- let's move on to rule number three - Body Temperature. You fall asleep when your body's temperature is a degree or two lower than normal. When your body is colder than it usually is. If you heat up your body near bedtime it's going to affect your sleep badly that's why you should avoid exercise and avoid hot Showers. The way to go with showers is keeping  them lukewarm just slightly hotter than room temperature. It will feel you clean as well as sleepy. 

- Rule number four - Lights. An hour before you want to sleep, put your phone away. I'm sure you've heard this a million times but trust me there's nothing that can ruin your sleep as much as forms or other bright screens. Your body feels sleepy or awake based on the amount of light  entering it through your eyes. So, quick tips. All your bright lights off, set your alarms and keep your phone away. 

- Very important rule number five - Golden phase activities. The way your brain is built, the final activity of your day has a profound impact on your thought process. This is the part of the day where you can directly affect your subconscious mind. The part of your piece in mind responsible for your career growth and your life growth. You can make this part of your day useful with - Reading. No phone screens, no Play-stations, no TV shows but books. Read something. It'll help you with your sleep and more importantly if you choose to read something positive or something that benefits your mind in some way even better. If you're not a big reader, that's alright it's 2020, listen to podcasts. You can gain as much from them as you can gain from books and occasionally if you aren't up for self-improvement, just listen to some music. But keep it soft, keep it slow. 

- Finally rule number six, You've tucked into your bed - This is the moment of truth. All these activities lead up to this moment, if you've done everything correct. It shouldn't be that difficult to fall asleep, but if you have someone who struggles with their sleep, perform the special sleep meditation. Put your hands on your solar plexus. Place one hand just below the line of your chest and the other hand just below the first hand. Now focus on your breath, try adding a chant to this process. Any two syllable word that you say in your mind, don't move your tongue, don't worry about the pronunciation, just say the word in your mind the word sleep, the word happy. Just keep repeating it within your mind. Don't focus too much on it. Slowly let it fade into the background of your brain. Try not to think about your tasks for the next day, not to think about your good or bad moments from the previous day. Just think of the comfort that surrounds you the softness of your bed. How relaxed your body is the peace in your room the peace and the darkness. If you feel like it switch up to a comfortable position and then dive deeper into how relaxed your body feels sleep will meet you. If you just stay in  the present moment and no where else. Don't worry about how long you're chanting for, don't focus on anything let the chant manipulate your breath and allow it to lead you into this resting meditation. Good night. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Power Of Positive Thinking - Technique for Advance Meditation - Bicepsking

> Today I am going to share about the positive thinking in our daily life. How the positive thinking helps to reach our goals with the help of meditation. Positive thinking is that taking action, acting on positive thoughts. There are many past studies that shows how meditation effects on human body. From increasing the gray matter in our brain, to increasing parts of our brain linked with happiness and focus. The only main magical health revolutions is meditation that is going to take over the world.   

> I am going to talk about a meditative technique in order to achieve any dream you have in your life. So there is multiple ways and multiple techniques to improve your meditation but what most people fail to understand is that meditation is one those things where to perform it you don't really have to have a technique. There is no fixed way of doing it and that's why it is so beautiful. All you need to remember is that you just need to start meditating. Sit down in a darken space for 15 to 20 minutes a day and just close your eyes that is the bare minimum you can do for meditation. 

> But there is a question in our mind that how do we optimize your meditation? Most people think that meditation is about having no thoughts in your head and keeping our mind empty. Now that is the end goal of meditation but it is not easy to achieve it. We all have a monkey brain. There is no way you will be able to keep your mind empty. There will be thoughts about your day or worries. Remember meditation before anything is about being self-aware, being aware of what's going on in your brain. Believe the bad things and give fuel to the good things, that's the goal you should go in with and as for what you should physically do. Once again there are multiple techniques but what I am going for is a basic chanting technique. 

Let's go for a basic Meditation Session:

> You begin by ideally sitting in a silent or dark room. A dark room helps you focus better for your meditation. Sit comfortably and ideally. You should sitting on the ground but if that's uncomfortable for you then you can seat on comfortable chair whatever works for you. How working out in a gym is an exercise for your muscles this is mind exercise and you will only be able to work your mind if your body is comfortable. As for your hands there is a lot of different mudras which you can do. Each of which have a different spiritual significance but the safest posture for your hands is the acceptance posture. It is basically you keeping your hands on your laps facing upwards and the positivity from the universe.   

> Meditation is about self-awareness, self-discovery but most importantly it's about communicating with your omnipresent surroundings, your universe. Everything that is around you, your surroundings immediate not so immediate everything is a part of the universe. This concept is when meditation might start feeling a little bit leaky or unconventional the most and this is also where most people fail to entirely benefit from meditation. They put a limit on the power of meditation but remember this thing, "The mind that perceives the limitation is the limitation". If you really want that meditation to work and affect your life you need to be very open minded to it. You are suppose to always believe that this activity is going to change your life. This thinking will help you a lots.

> So coming to what you should actually be thinking of while meditating. It is a three-step process. 

- The first is the base of comfort, I am not talking about only just physical comfort but mental comfort is also connect with yourself driving aware of your breath. If chanting try focusing on the chant. 

- The second step is the most important in every meditation session you need to feel internal gratitude. You need to feel grateful to the universe. If you are someone who believes in god then that is your definition of the universe. Feel grateful towards that god, towards your surroundings, feel grateful for being given all this positivity in your life. Just focus on what's good and what's working out for you.

- Finally coming to the part of your meditation. But you actually make things happen in your real life. How to achieve whatever you want, whatever your wish is, whatever your prayer are, ask for it and don't only ask for this is where you need to visualize. visualization is the power of positive thinking. If you wish to have a nice bungalow then visualize all the things of a home. Feel the visualization of touching the doors, beds, kitchen and whatever you wish to have in your home. Visualize your dream in detail, internally tell yourself that this is going to come true. That is how meditate and that's how you amplify the power of positive thinking. But positive thought won't work unless you work. 
> Meditation will give you focus on dreams, will give you concentration for your work. It will give you the ability to work harder but most important it will make your goal clearer in front of you. The moment you open your eyes and your over this is where the rest of life starts and it's the actions you take in the rest of your life that determines whether or not you'll get to your goal. So the first step in this adventure towards your goals is that you start with meditation. Get into a habit of consistently meditating in twenty minutes a day and through the rest of the day go and choose actions that help you move towards your goal. Go and achieve your dreams 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Why We should Meditate - How to Meditate at Home for BEGINNERS - Bicepsking

> Today I am talking about How to meditate. From health and Fitness perspective today's topic is that one topic that can absolutely turn your life around. Honestly I feel is that meditation has a very crucial part to play in that journey of you reaching your maximum potential. A lot of  successful people all over the world like Steve Job, Hugh Jackman and even Shane Watson have talented meditation in order to enhance the rest of their life. Shane Watson, one of cricket's greatest all-rounders in the modern era has actually said that towards the end of his career meditation is what has been cope with injures. Injury recovery, Musculus recovery are just a few benefits of meditation.

> If you're the kind of person who believes only in scientifically backed studies and articles that exactly what, here is the link for that: You can read it from here. I'm going to go over the benefits super briefly:

> A recent study done is UCLA show that people who have meditate have a higher level of Gyrification in your brain. Gyrification means the souls in the cortex of your brain and these enhance amount of souls actually linked with  a faster processing power. You're essentially becoming smarter and your brains becoming faster and more active through meditation what's the even cooler is that long-term meditation was linked with more Gyrification. The more you meditate the more of Gyrification and more your processing power.

> So essentially we can describe meditation as some kind of brain workout. Where you are enhancing the power of your brain by just meditating for 10 to 20 minutes a day. Also studies says that meditation changes certain parts of your brain. It increases the size of those parts that are linked with happiness, focus, Memory Formation, Learning Ability, Ability to Empathize. Also the cool thing is that meditation decrease those areas that are linked with depression and stress. 

> Come to my person experience of meditation. Personally I just become meditation initially to help me cope with my muscle soreness from the gym. I read this article about how meditation helps you deal with your muscle soreness, how it increases your recovery and that's how I got into it but as felt all these other effects because of my long term meditation. All I do is that I meditate for 20 minutes a day every day before I go to bed that is all. The actual benefits of meditation, this increase level of happiness will only happen after you meditate every single day.

> Now coming to actual tutorial. How do you go about meditation?

The first thing you need to understand is that everyone's got their own definitions of what meditation is. It's a very subjective concept. In this article I'm just going to give you my opinion on how to go about the process. I promise you is that if you follow the guidelines I'm setting down it will make a difference to your life.   

While doing meditation you are just suppose to concentrate on your own breath. You going to have a lot of other thoughts in your head. What you need to understand is that this is completely normal. It's human nature. Here is the all process with step by step for meditation:


You should sit down in a quiet place. Ideally in complete darkness and you fold your legs. Sit cross-legged and you just keep your arms comfortable however you want. You can even sit down in a chair if you find that comfortable and then you can begin your meditation process. Mindfulness meditation is essentially you taking deep breaths, You inhale completely and exhale and all you go to concentrate on is your breath and you do this for about 20 minutes. Now the trick is to avoid thinking about twenty other things. So you have consciously strive focusing on your breath and do this for 20 minutes every single day. If you seems like 20 minutes is very hard then you can start with 10 minutes a day but the key is to just get yourself between this and I promise that when you open your eyes after doing meditation, you'll be a lot calmer and the world will feel different. Just go for Mindfulness meditation.


As a beginner I practice is something called OM CHANTING MEDITATION. Now this has nothing  to do with Hinduism or god or religion. What you got understand is that OHM is kind of a tangible distraction for your mind. When you are chanting OHM it's that same distraction that helps you disconnect from your real life that's all it is. In order to go about OM CHANTING MEDITATION once again you just go to sit in a comfortable place ideally in complete darkness and take a deep breath and just let out OHM. So 75% of your breath you are going to chant the OH and 25% you can chant the M. That is all you have to remember. Don't worry and don't think much about this process you are just going to go for it for 20 minutes a day. That is matters a lot and makes a difference.

> Meditation is just another way of releasing all those feel-good hormones. After you make it a habit it becomes a source of recreation and that's you want to reach but rule number one is that you just create a habit. Push yourself to meditate and make you meditate for at least 10 to 20 minutes every single day.That's all you need to do for a good mental strength.     
> That's all about the meditation for today. If you like this article make sure you share it and if any doubt on this topic you can comment below.   


Saturday, February 1, 2020

What Is Testosterone?

What is testosterone, how to get high testosterone

What Is Testosterone?

In men's testosterone is produced in testicles.
 Testosterone is the primary male hormone that is responsible for all aspects like Sex drive, muscle mass, libido, good hair growth, and skin.

In women, testosterone is produced in ovaries and adrenal glands. Women produce less testosterone than men.

Testosterone is the hormone that is responsible for the growth of sexual characteristics in men. If you have a balanced level of testosterone in body than you experience better when you are in bed with a partner.

Women also produce testosterone but lower than men, women produce their primary female hormone called estrogen.



In men's testosterone is the hormone that is responsible for muscle mass and strength. If you are suffering from low t than you might get reduced in strength.

It is shown in science that if you have higher test levels than you feel younger and happy and stronger.

#2. Memory loss

Memory loss is the trending issue nowadays because most men are suffering from low test nowadays because of their poor lifestyle.

It is shown and proved in studies that people who have high testosterone or normal level of testosterone they have less issue of Alzheimer. It is a problem of memory loss.

#3.  Lower Libido

It is shown in studies that men who have higher testosterone have a great sex life. Testosterone is responsible for your sexual arousal and erections.

If you are above 30 then don't worry because it is normal at this age. Having low libido in this age is normal.

But if you are young then you will experience good effects of testosterone in your life.

#4. Increase Belly Fat.

Testosterone is responsible for lean muscle mass in men. If you are having low t than you might get some belly fat on your stomach.

You can change this by some testosterone therapy. Testosterone therapy will help you to get rid of fat.

Men with normal test levels get helps in reducing fat or might be they do not have fat on the body.

#5. Facial Hairs (BEARD)

Facial hairs are also dependent on testosterone. You might remember that when you are in younger age (adulthood) than you get more facial hairs on your face. It because of testosterone.

If you have low testosterone that might be you will be unable to get a beard.

Beard is also depended on genetics, means if your dad has a great beard than you also have great beard genetics.

Take testosterone therapy to get full facial hairs.

How To Check For Low Testosterone?

Go to the doctor and consult with them they will do your low testosterone test that is called serum testosterone. A test is used to determine your level of testosterone circulating in the blood.

Testosterone test will help you to know about your present level of testosterone.

Testosterone Boosters

Testosterone boosters will help you to get your testosterone back.

Testosterone Boosters will provide necessary nutrients that will make your body function to get your testosterone levels back at normal or it will increase.

Natural Ways to get back your testosterone levels.

There are some testosterone boosters but there are natural ways as well that you can use to get your hormones at good levels and you will see a good increment in that also so you have to be completely focused and completely clear and to hear that you have to be patient as well and I am here to just tell you the natural ways 

#1. Lift weights

#2. Eat zinc more

#3. Exercise daily.

#4. Eat more Healthy Fats.

#5. Take more Vitamin D

#6. Eat healthy nuts

#7. Eat natural Herbs eg: ashwagandha, shilajit, and many others.

How to sustain the existing high testosterone 

If you want to sustain the high existing testosterone then you have to do one thing and that is do exercise when you do exercise your mind works in different direction and you feel very good at very best level and by this you will feel very confidemt as well.

Testosterone is very necessary and important because it will only keep you going and you will only see a good results just by having that good testosterone if you don't have that much of good testosterone then you will lose for sure and i am telling you this that you have to master the skill and you have to be the best in everything you are doing.

Testosterone is just a hormone and you have to be the best in it to get that type of hormone you have to do something very very cool and amazing which gives you that amount of mindset and energy and efficiency once you get that efficiency then you have to work on something called sustaining it 

You have to sustain it and you have to project it in a way that it get better and better in my own way so make sure to hit that like on our website and you will get notification whenever we post on this blog 

Testosterone is very important for many reasons first thing is that testosterone is male hormone and it get used in producing childrens and strength

If you do above mentioned methods and tricks then you will see a good results in everything and once you get that amount of confidence you will feel more and more confident and to get there you have to be patient and confident 

Testosterone is not one day game you have to be fully dedicated to it and to get results you have to be fully fully secured and strengthen to get amazing results 

Now i am sharing this too you because i have gone through everything that you are experiencing right now low testosterone and low strength and low libido and low diet appetite 


Cholesterol is one of the most important molecules for our body. There are two types of cholesterol one type is good(HDL) and one is bad cholesterol (LDL). Cholesterol is produced by naturally in human beings body and it requires to perform many important functions in the human body like- It requires to produce hormones, Vitamin D, healthy bones and control your heart rate.

I have told you that you have to just share the best cholesterol rid methods and you have to be the patient to the result and everything will come to you for sure and this will not take time and i am telling u this from real life experience and this is crazy for me and thanks for everything

Cholesterol is very dangerous and everyone should get rid of it and to get rid of it i have shared the best methods with you that you can use right now and it will help you to get those results.

I am here to help you with the best things and things will help you for sure.

Cholesterol is a very dead image and no one can beat it and it should be completely clear and cut and you have to be patient as well.

There are many types of cholesterol but you have to focus on only one thing

So make sure to do the things which are keep you motivated and keep you focused everyday and you should stay calm as well because it is a normal disease 
Cholesterol: how to prevent high cholesterol


There is no shortcut and pill that will instantly reduce your high cholesterol levels there are some certain tips to follow to help you lower your cholesterol levels.

1  Exercise daily

    One of my favorite way to stay healthy and fit is to exercise daily if you are a businessman or job person. This step is might difficult for you but for the health concern you have to manage your time as well
30 minutes of cardio will open your blood vessels fast and reduce bad cholesterol LDL in your body.

2. Healthy Diet

    There is no alternative for a healthy diet because if you are eating lost of oily based and heavy foods that will surely affect your cholesterol levels of the body.

3. Foods to Avoid

Avoid some dairy products reduce their use in your daily routine because they also play a major role in high cholesterol. And reduce meat and chicken in your diet because they contain so much cholesterol on their own.

4. Take Medication

     This step is to be taken when someone had a major problem with this issue and he got pain in his heart and feeling fatigue sometimes so take medication with a well-qualified doctor.



    This factor is applicable to both men and women if you have higher levels of cholesterol it may lead you to lower stamina because your oxygen level in the body is very less. Cholesterol blocks all tissues and it may affect your natural hormones like in men testosterone and in women is estrogen. Don't worry it can be cured easily but you have to be focused on more exercise and diet if you are living a healthy lifestyle this problem will be solved very easily and you can achieve a fit body. Just do daily 30 minutes of cardio or 20 push-ups to maintain your cholesterol and hormones levels at a good point.


   This is very common issues in this problem many of the people who have bad cholesterol or high cholesterol they suffered from this stage once in their life. Your heart will not get enough blood to pump and supply in the body the blood circulation will get blocked by bad cholesterol levels and you have difficulty in respiration process. Yes, you have to consult a doctor if you are at max. stage of this issue. But on my side, I recommend you to do YOGA because helps you to supply higher levels of oxygen in the blood and it leads to good blood pumping in the body by the heart.


    When you have LDL bad cholesterol in your body you are not allowed to eat everything that does not suit your body right? Yes because if eat all bad stuff your body will immediately respond and your cholesterol levels will be raised again rapidly. This research is proved in 2001 you can google it. Eat those foods those are favorable for your bodies like juices and vegetables and salad and low-fat milk. To ensure your health and you will achieve your healthy lifestyle.


#1. Dizziness
#2. Fatigue
#3. Less of energy
#4. Problem in breathing
    Difficulty in blood flowing


Start a good lifestyle and healthy routine. By this, you can easily achieve a healthy body. Start eating healthy and take separate time for your exercise.

If you liked this article and if this article helps you ...follow us now thank you because now you know all about CHOLESTEROL. .thank you

So i have shared the best method of reducing cholesterol and you have to be the completely patients and you have to be focused as well.

Cholesterol is not bad and but good cholesterol is only good.

Bad cholesterol is bad and good cholesterol is good so make sure to focus on only good cholesterol and you will feel more amazing and calm and clear 

Here i have shared the best way to keep things going and focusing


Here I burst all the myths about weight loss. Many people think they are fat and they cannot do nothing about this. No I give you my weight loss tips check them

Weight loss is an art. Everyone can do this just you have to be patience it takes time to give results.

It will be very effective for you and it will be very informative also so make sure to just apply the mathods of weight loss that i am teaching here and you eill see a great reuslts for yourself.

Weight loss is a time consuming process and you have to be patient with that so here i have shared the best and effective ways that you can use to get amazing results and it will be amazing to see all the good results from your side.

Weight loss is essy and you have to bejust patients and good to kearn what's working and what's not and this is how you get successful 

Many people quit in the middle and they just lost their patience and they feel very bored only bcoz they quit 

So make sur wto learn everything new everyday and new will come to you wveryday.

I am here to tell you that anything is possible and you can achieve anything in life for sure and this is happening with me.

Try to do execise and yoga nd happy and stay focused this will give you the actual benefit of everything and you will see good resukts

I ma here to guide you but you have to walk on the path i am showing to you today

How to lose weight, Weight loss


#1. Drink Water

, Especially Before Meals

It is proved that water will increase your chances to lose weight. Weight loss will get enhanced if you dring recommended water by day

Drinking water can boost metabolism by 24–30% over a period of time. You need to drink more water my friend because if you don't do this your body start catching fats and salt in it. Water is very necessary during weight loss.

#2. Eat Eggs For Breakfast

Eating whole eggs can have all sorts of benefits, including helping in your weight loss. Start eating eggs because it provide you high quality protein at a time. Eating eggs in breakfast will improve your day and it give you energy to do work also.

During weight loss you need high quality protein that is provided in eggs already.

#3. Start coffee

Coffee is very necessary during weight loss because it provides you caffeine that give you antioxidants and yeah it is necessary also.

Coffee will increase your metabolism by 5 to 11% instantly and it also provide you awareness during exercise.

#4. Oats 

Oats will definitely help you to lose weight as it contains all types of nutrients like carbs protein and fiber.

Fiber helps you to burn more fat and increase your metabolism by time. So my suggestion is start eating a bowl oats in breakfast.

#5. Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a popular eating pattern in which people cycle between periods of eating.

Example you don't need to give huge break in time of eating you should eat in every 2 to 3 hours it will help you to maintain muscle mass.

#6. Take a Creatine .

Creatine is a supplement that gives you energy during workout. Creatine help you to get more strenght in bones

Creatine is a pre workout take it before workout and get results

#7. Avoid addsed sugar

Sugar is your biggest enemy during weigh loss.

If you are adding sugar or consuming it too much then sorry you are making yourself back from goal of weight loss.

Eat sugar in recommended dosage the recommended dosage is 15 to 20 gm

Sugar also increase risk of diabetes and heart risk also.

#8  Eat Less Refined Carbs

Refined carbohydrates include sugar and grains and pasta and bread dont eat them too much they are not worth you need instant craving that's why you eat them. Don't  do this they are enemy

Studies show that refined carbs can increase spike blood sugar rapidly,and  leading to hunger,and  cravings and increased food intake a few hours later.

If you're going to eat carbs, make sure to eat them with high protein also

#9 Low-Carb Diet

If you want to get all the benefits of weight loss cut carbs now. You listened this right? Yes , no don't cut carbs it is very necessary to give you energy during workout.

Without carbs a muscle is like a car without fuel . So don't give up on carbs it provides you nourishment during workout.


If you want to learn how to make oat meal then this is the best recipe of oatmeal that you can try and you will see great results for yourself and to get those best resukts you have to be completely focused.

Oatmeal needs practice and determination and you have to spend your time on learning and acquiring things and you have to be the best in everything then only you will see results.

Oatmeal is a process you have to follow certain steps to get those results you can expect anything quick and you will not see big things also

Here i have shared the best recipe to make oatmeal and you have to just follow the steps and you will make good oatmeal and this is amazing and good also.

You don't need to try thing just tecipe is here and hust make and have fun with oatmeal and you eill be surprised with results 

Oats one of my favourite breakfast since my teenagehood. I used to eat oats in breakfast daily my mom used to make it for me. I never miss a day without having a bowl of crunchy oats. Oats can help you to provide energy full day because of its nutritional values it is so rich by protein and fiber and carbs. Many people have different reasons for eating oats in breakfast my motive is to stay lean and fit.
Oats : healthy and tasty recipe of oats

So here are some amazing benefits of oats

 4 highly effective benefits of oats you must know.

1. It helps you to reduce weight.

    Oats are rich in fiber it allows you to provide energy all day through your work. Oats are also a good source of protein and all know that protein is very essential in weight to lose strategy.
Oats has carbs that stop you crave at some other foods that are rich in sugar and carbs .oats has healthy carbs it helps you to get rid of bad food source of carbs and sugar and it will maintain your body weight level automatically.


     It helps you to reduce stress. It allows lowering your hypertension in mind. It helps you to increase your efficiency of work to take a cup of the bowl to reduce stress


     Oats help many men/women in this problem. A survey told that more than 30% of men and women get benefits after eating oats. Because oats are rich in fiber. And fiber helps your stomach to make full bowel movement after eating food. So eat a cup of oats in breakfast.

4. Skin benefits

    Oats is one of the best ways to glow your skin in my personal opinion because it has a great effect on my skin also. Oats help you to smoothen skin and remove irritation on skin happened in the day to day life. Oats help you to regenerate new skin cells.

5. Helps in your fitness goal.

    Oats has all necessary nutrients that are required in muscle building or weight loss. It has carbs, protein, fiber, and magnesium it has all vital nutrients that required in fitness journey.



oats are so powerful breakfast because it provides all nutrients in small size means you do not have to eat a big meal at a time you can eat small meal cup f bowl of oats to reach your goal easily.


     A 100 gram of oats are rich in 17 grams of protein and 350 calories by this if you want to gain weight oats are also beneficial for you. And oats are also rich in fibers. They known for their solving problem of constipation. Yes, researchers proved many theories right on this topic that oats are very helpful to those people who have constipation problem.

If you read all this stuff but you don't know that how to make tasty healthy oats breakfast so we give you our recipe for free. Its basic recipe for beginners.  If you want the advanced recipe of oats please comment down below. You will receive that recipe in your e-mail.


Oatmeal, oats recipes, breakfast

Make the healthiest breakfast ever with our recipe.

1. Take one cup of oats in a bowl
2. Take milk in a bowl hot as per requirement.
3. Take 5 to 7 almonds and put it in the bowl.
4. Then mix both oats and milk wisely.
5. Now put some raisins and strawberries to take this recipe at next level.
6. Now you are ready to be "HEALTHY"

So if you liked our research and experience on oats so please follow us now on  so can read our latest posts also. Thank you


I have mentioned the best way to make oatmeal ans you have to just implement all the best method that i have shared above and you will feel the best thing that you have ever inagine for yourself andtjis is the best way to make oatmeal.

Oatmeal is the best way to eat healthy snack and food and you can make that easily and this is the best way to make oatmeal.

Oatmeal is healthy and easy to make and anyone can make this at their home just by sitting at their small couch and in kitchen so make sure to just make it.

Don't worry that if you don't know how to make I will teach u how to make oatmeal and this will healp you to get that amazing physique.

Oatmeal will make you get that amazing health and strong lifestyle.